Rules of participation - information from the organizers


  1. The organizers of the picnic are the A-To-My Sports Club and NSZZ Solidarność - NCBJ.
  2. The picnic will take place at NCBJ on June 6, 2024, from 2:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
  3. The picnic is organized for children of NCBJ employees and their parents or guardians.
  4. Participation in the picnic is free of charge.
  5. All picnic participants are obliged to follow the organizer's instructions.
  6. Parents or guardians of a child are responsible for the direct care of their children, ensuring their safety and observing certain rules of participation in the picnic.
  7. The organizer does not provide direct care for children and is not responsible for participants' property left at the picnic area (e.g. handbags, phones, cameras).
  8. Children may move around the picnic area only under the supervision of their parents or guardians.
  9. Picnic participants are obliged to follow the established schedule of games and division into groups developed by the organizer.
  10. Children can only use the toilet under adult supervision.